2023 AGM

2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Gainsborough Liberal Democrat AGM will take place on Tuesday 28 November 2023.
This meeting is your chance to have your say on how our party is being run and hear from Trevor Young, Lesley Rolling, Leader and Deputy Leader of West Lindsey District Council, Stephen Bunny and Matt Boles, Chair and Vice-Chair of West Lindsey District Council.
Invitations have been sent to all our members in West Lindsey and we look forward to seeing you on that day.
This time, we will hold a hybrid meeting to allow as many members to attend either in person or remotely.
The Agenda
- Minutes of the last AGM
- Apologies for this AGM
- Reports from: Chair, Treasurer, Membership report, Campaigns Report, Liberal Democrat Groups of WLDC and LCC.
- Motions to the AGM
- Election of Honorary President
- Nomination or Election of Officers & Executive members
- To note the Accounts for 2023
These are the essential items that needs to be on the Agenda. Motions will be added when submitted.
Roles available
- Honorary President
- Chair (the chair is responsible for Local party Executive Meetings, GDPR and Membership Management)
- Vice-Chair (the vice-chair supports the Chair and will be responsible when the Chair is not available)
- Treasurer (The Treasurer is a vital role, as treasurer you will need to prepare budgets and financial targets for discussion by others and advising on the implications of
spending decisions. The treasurer is also responsible for the practical side of managing the local party's finances, such as paying in bills) - Secretary (The secretary has a key role in keeping the local party organised and on top of business. This includes making the agenda and minute the meetings)
- Media Officer (The media officer makes sure your community and members know all the great work and activities the local party is doing)
- Data Officer (The data officer is a key role, with responsibility for ensuring the local party is GDPR compliant.)
- Membership Officer (The membership officer is responsible for recruiting and reaching out to new members and getting them engaged. They're also point of contact for existing members and monitoring payments)
- Local Party Fundraising Officer (The Fundraising Officer makes sure the local party has plenty of money to run elections and events throughout the year)
- Diversity officer (This is a very fun role as you get to learn about your local community and the many different groups that give it its diversity. This role can also be a great help to your local party’s fundraising and campaigning activities, as well as working alongside your party’s Membership Officer when it comes to organising events. )
- Executive Committee member (Each local party has people elected to their Executive Committee as Ordinary Members, who do not hold specific roles. These are people who help by having a say in how the local party is run, and by taking on ad hoc roles and helping with special projects.)
All members have received an email to nominate themselves or another member and submit motions. However, if you have not received the email, check your Spam inbox or contact hello@gainsboroughlibdems.org.uk