Police and Crime Commissioner
We are pleased to announce that Lesley Rollings has been selected as our candidate for the Police and Crime Commissioner elections in Lincolnshire.
Lesley has extensive experience working with communities through her work as a teacher and as a district councillor in West Lindsey and is Deputy Leader of the District Council.
Our Priorities
Lesley says, “Our communities are telling us that it is important to them to see more police officers in their neighbourhoods. It is disappointing that the number of PCSOs in Lincolnshire has been cut from 95 to 50 in the last year. These officers provide an invaluable service, connecting our communities to the Police. Reinstating the PCSO numbers must be a priority.”
“Our communities also want to see better responses from the police when they report a crime. It is unacceptable that so many burglaries go undetected. We cannot have a situation where the public feel that they are wasting their time reporting any crime, due to such a poor response from the police.”
“It is well documented that Lincolnshire Police are the worst funded Police force in the country. “
This does not reflect well on the current Police and Crime commissioner. Representing the Conservative party, the same party as the government, clearly has disadvantaged him when it comes to demanding a fairer funding formula for Lincolnshire. The government has spent the last 8-10 years reviewing the formula. Rural counties like Lincolnshire are not a priority for them and places where they take voters for granted.
Talking tough is not enough!
The Conservative government talk tough on crime, yet everyone knows that their strategies are not doing enough to help stop crime and importantly to stop people re-offending. Drug taking and dealing has become endemic in our society with individuals and families lives ruined.
Being tough on our most serious criminals, working across forces and countries is an absolute priority, but the police must be able to work in active partnerships with other service providers to ensure that situations are dealt with by appropriate response teams. Close working relationships with mental health teams, schools, councils, housing providers, social care, DWP and community groups are essential. We need to see an active change of culture in partnership working. Getting these partners to collaborate with the police should be a priority for any Police and Crime Commissioner.
Vote for Lesley on May the 2nd; if your voting at a polling station, remember to bring your voter ID!
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